Concierge Holistic Care
Wellness at home, no travel needed.
If having your wellness provider come to your home sounds like a winning solution to achieving your health goals— Concierge Holistic Care might be the answer.
Many wellness treatments require in-person appointments. But what if traveling is not an option or preference of yours? Concierge Holistic Care can be the perfect choice if you’d prefer for a variety of reasons, to have holistic care in the comfort and privacy of your home.
This service is not for everyone, and eligibility is by application only.
Because there is limited availability, for this service are few. Concierge Holistic Care requires a three-month commitment at a time. After your initial Concierge Holistic Care Assessment, a personalized program will be created for you after your initial at home Concierge Holistic Care Assessment.
Some of your treatments may include:
A.N.N.A- (Advanced Non-Needle Acupoint Therapy)
Massage Therapy
Holistic Nutrition Counseling
Coaching (Health and Life Coaching)
If you think this service might be for you, and are interested in learning more, please contact us to set up your Concierge Holistic Care Discovery Call today!