what patients are saying...
“Dr. Jesenia has helped me through a lot. Since starting, I’ve become healthier, have more energy, healed my body, and changed the way I perceive and prepare food. I’ve been working with her about a year and a half, and her health counseling and wellness programs led me through pregnancy with my first child. Our visits were a major part of my prenatal care, and I definitely believe that it helped me deliver a healthy baby at home, medication-free.”
Password for Video Below: HOJW
Digestive Health Regained
pain resolution
“I had stomach aches, digestion problems and lower back pain. Emotionally I would frequently get tired and worn out. Now, emotionally and physically I feel happy and healthy. My sinus issues have gone as well as my lower back pain which helps me both physically and mentally.”
holistic nutrition results
“I first came to CHC at a not so great point and was reluctant to meet with Dr. Jesenia. My energy was low and I was eating all the wrong foods. All the worries I had faded within my first meeting. I started with Jesenia 9 months ago and my only regret is that I didn’t start sooner. I now have great eating habits, better energy, my skin has cleared up, and I know what works for me. I feel if you are thinking of going go, run, hop, skip, and jump to CHC. Your body and mind will thank you!”
— Shannon W. Teacher, Wife, and Mom
private health coaching
“I had a difficult time putting my needs, emotions, and thoughts together. First I was consumed by trying to “fix” everything at once”. My thoughts would race and often I’d be confused and unsure of myself. Now I am clearer, and feel a stronger connection to what I need to feel fulfilled. I now have strong tools to use for identifying problems and ways to deal with stressful situations. I now can recognize patterns within myself to anticipate how I will feel afterwards. Overall I’m much more self-aware.”
detox program success stories
“Before I started the program I read the pamphlet, checked out the website, talked with Jesenia, and read several blogs. They all seemed to make seemingly outrageous claims about changes that happen to people while on the program; I was skeptical to say the least but deep down desperately wanted the same. I mean, I couldn’t even stick to a Weight Watchers program for a week without “taking a night off” and I work the night shift and this program says no caffeine?!! How could I possibly do this? Well I never cheated and I got results just as outrageous as the claims I heard. I never even truly imagined it happening in only 21 days, but it did!
Day 1 was focused on keeping track of what to eat and what supplements to take when. From Day 4 is when things really started changing. I noticed that my sleep was very sound and I was waking up fully rested and ready to start my day. My days went smoothly and even without my caffeine had plenty of energy to last. As my time with the program when on my eyes and skin got brighter and clearer, acne disappeared, and my teeth whiter. My nails became strong and stopped flaking and breaking and my hair shinier. My thinking became clearer and my memory improved. My balance is the best it’s been in years, I have noticeably less cellulite, and I lost 11.8 pounds. My energy level is unprecedented. I explored and learned to love cooking, making foods from scratch and the knowledge to make better food choices. People from school and work stared stopping me constantly to tell me how my shape changed, how they can tell I was losing weight, my skin looked amazing, and that my eyes were so bright.
I have regained my sense of self and control over my food addiction. I feel better than I have in years and finally feel empowered to continue on my health journey.”